As part of the 1997 Melbourne "Joe Symposium", Joe visits the workshop of local experimenters who couldn't get their Energy Cell to function correctly and explains to them how to rectify common construction mistakes and avoid errors. The tape then progresses into the 1994-95 period where Joe demonstrates his evolving cell prototypes in the shop and on the road with vehicles which have been fitted with the energy cell. Tape 1 begins with footage shot in 1993 with Joe demonstrating his earlier cell designs and explaining the phenomena as he understood it at the time. The videos total about 5 hours and fifteen minutes and are divided into two cassettes.

These videos include more than 2 hours of commentary from Joe recorded during a "Joe Symposium Workshop" held in Melbourne in 1997. Joe's experiments with various prototypes of his Energy Cell were recorded on amateur videos recorded in Australia from 1993-1997. Practically anyone, who is careful and pays very close attention to construction and 'alignment' details, can build this cell. They include stainless steel, rubber, and water (see Materials). The Joe Energy Cell incorporates common materials that are easily obtained. copper) will align at right angles to the magnetic lines of force. For example, a magnetic material will align in parallel to the magnetic lines of force from a magnetic field, while a diamagnetic metal (E.g. Diamagnetic materials exhibit properties that are opposite that of magnetic materials. Diamagnetic materials are required for implosion. The power plant can produce enough energy to sustain itself and can operate continuously. Given adequate velocity of the catalyst medium (Water or Air), gravity is canceled and the engine or implosive energy producing device will levitate. There is an absence of resistance and friction. For water, the Point of Anomaly is 4 degrees Celsius. In the presence of implosion, the ambient temperature declines, rather than expands, to what is called the Point of Anomaly. The energy is manifested as a suction force, not an explosion force. The following characteristics have been observed with the phenomena of Implosion: 1. From all outward appearances, an engine operating with this cell seems to be functioning on the Implosion principle, a phenomena explored in the writings and patents of inventors Viktor Schauberger, John Keeley, and others. The water is acting in the role of a catalyst in the transference of a special form of energy from the surrounding atmosphere into the engine and the water itself is not consumed in the process. Surprisingly, the Energy Cell does not deplete its water while in operation. Since the engine runs cold, there is no need for a cooling system per se, however, the water in the water jacket surrounding the cylinders may be playing a pivotal role in allowing this phenomena to take place. Without any exhaust by-products, you eliminate the need for pollution control devices. An engine that operates on Joe's Energy Cell produces no exhaust by-products and no heat. After an Energy Cell is installed and functioning properly, the gasoline fuel lines can be completely disconnected. The Energy Cell alone provides all the power that the engine needs.
It was originally designed for use in cars, but it can be used with almost any engine that normally runs on gasoline such as motorcycles, outboard marine engines, lawn mowers, portable electric generators, etc. All rights reserved)īy Ken Adachi (Ken Adachi, Editor) Spring 1998Īn Australian man, only identified by the name of Joe "X", has designed a remarkable water Energy Cell that only utilizes water for a "fuel" and develops substantially more power than gasoline.

(Copyright 1998-2010 Educate-Yourself and Ken Adachi.